Energy (electric, solar & hydraulic) law

Team leaders : Mr. Benoît Tshibangu & Mr. J.C Mulingenya

The Ghana and the R Congo being countries of access to the exploitation of natural resources (oil, gas, mines, forestry etc...), electrical energy constitutes a major contribution in the process of extraction, treatment and conditioning of minerals and oil.

From the above, the energy sector is framed and governed by modern legislation that concerns all the stages: from the construction of hydroelectric dams, to the production, transport and distribution of electric current.

Kulendi has refined its knowledge in this field, thanks to the presence of specialised lawyers, from university training to extensive experience in handling, advising and assisting clients in dam construction projects, dam rehabilitation, and the transport and distribution of electric power to both industrial and domestic users.

The TI&A team has consolidated its knowledge through successful projects that have a significant positive impact on the environment and the population.